Tuesday 7 October 2008

Ndesanjo Macha Wakes me Up from my Blog Slumber

The last tme I blogged was over a year ago. I still write, think and talk but not on the blog. Somehow it slipped.

But today, 7th October 2008 in Nairobi at the HAI Africa/SATAMO/OSI seminar on access to essential medicines, Ndesanjo Macha (see http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/ndesanjo-macha/%20or%20) of global voices woke me up from the long slumber. He did this by giving the most compelling reasons for using a blog I have ever heard. He was talking to generally small civil society organisations from a dozen or so countries in Africa. This group of campaigners and activists were thinking about how to use new media to reach their goal of access to essential medicines for all by "knocking out stockouts" of medicine in health facilities in Africa. With small resources, limited human resources, technological limitations etc. at the end of it all these folks moved beyond the age old idea that "not everyone has access to a computer or internet".

But his talk also brought home to me the message of the failure of many seeking to change the world (say to bring essetial medicines to all, water all etc.) to adapt to how the world is changing. The failure to take the opportunities of today (cellphones, blogs etc.) to change the world. If you want to change the world you have to join the revolution was another thought at the end of it all.

To him I say, Nashukuru sana na ahsante!

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